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About Kristen Gibson

I’ve been there. I know what it’s like.


I was flung into profound darkness at a tender age, and I got stuck there for decades: in rage, bitterness, and feeling forever ruined and helpless to do anything to get my self-worth and any semblance of a life back. And I have emerged from the darkness with dignity, power, purity of heart, endless possibility, hopefulness, loving purpose, and joy. 


It wasn’t easy going to pull myself up again and craft a life worthy of the suffering I had undergone. Frequently, progress felt halting and tedious. But I did progress and emerge into the light. 


And so can you. Wherever you find yourself along the journey, however lost or stuck you feel, you can find your way, get yourself unstuck, press on, and prevail over the dark. Moreover, you can emerge from the darkness a far better person—and far more powerful force for good—than you might otherwise have been. Strange but true. And wonderful.


I want to offer you powerful energetic healing and encouragement for your journey toward a life of dignity, personal empowerment, integrity, compassion, loving purpose, renewed possibility and hopefulness, and joy. I want to help you transform your grief and darkness so that you can share your light with a world in sore need of it. 


Image by Andrew Neel

My spiritual journey began in the aftermath of trauma. I sought out a Christian path forward in the faith of my father's family, who'd loved me as a child. I was confirmed a Roman Catholic in 1993.  In the late '90s, the breaking clerical sex-abuse scandal and my own spiritual difficulties and trauma history collided. I took a step back from the Church. In 2000, I met lineage masters of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, and I devoted  myself to the practice of this lineage of Tibetan Buddhism for the next 20+ years. In 2014, while in graduate school, I met with the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating and the Center for Contemplative Living as well as those of Fr. Richard Rohr and the Center for Action and Contemplation. Through these, I reconnected with Christianity and encountered the Christian contemplative tradition for the first time. I began to apply myself to Christian as well as Buddhist contemplative practice and study. In 2023, I returned to the practice of Roman Catholicism, the cradle and true ground of my spiritual path. Though theologically Roman Catholic, I retain a deep affection for and gratitude to the Buddhist lineage masters who nurtured and enriched my spiritual life and offered me a spiritual home through a prolonged season of confused woundedness and wandering. 


I have been a Reiki practitioner at the ART/master level since 2013 and a professional chaplain since 2018. In addition to my healing/spiritual coaching practice, I work as a hospice chaplain in rural North Dakota.


Having experienced profound trauma at a formative age, I have dedicated my life’s work, in whatever form it has taken, to helping others heal their own woundedness so that they may live their best lives and bring their best gifts to the world in fullness of joy.

Image by Jared Erondu
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